Mr. Jacob Fanning
English literature, Davison College
“Thailand is a phenomenal country with a very unique culture based on Kindness and tolerance. While teaching has its challenges here, the rewards far surpass the effort. I have enjoyed Thailand more than any place I have gone before.”

Miss Jessenia Acuna
Psychology, Florida International University
“Thailand has been a very interesting experience. Filled with many ups and downs but I am glad to have made it to the end. I have learned so much and feel grateful for all the lessons.”
Miss Sara Miller
Spanish & Anthropology, Lewis & Clark College
“Living and teaching in Phrae, Thailand was an incredible and often very challenging experience. I learned an enormous amount about myself and Thailand. It was such a pleasure to watch my little students learn and grown. I’ll miss them and my Thai friends so much!”
Mr. Matthew Bowen
Chemistry, Mercer University
“This year in Thailand has been one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I am thankful for the lifelong friendships made with my students and fellow teachers.”
Miss Sarah Wibell
Woman’s and Gender Studies, Mercer University
“I loved my students and coworkers at school. It was difficult the first couple of months learning how to teach effectively, but overall, my time here was very meaningful.”
Miss Majorie Yandell
International Politics, Belmont University
“Teaching in Thailand has been a wonderful and enlightening experience!”
Mr. Jesse Lehrman
International Political Economy, Puget Sound University
"Two components have grown to define my time in Thailand: community and communication. I originally came to Thailand with hopes of learning about the greater country and culture through the lens of my smaller community.The idea was that as I learned more Thai and my students learned more English we’d help each other learn about each other’s respective cultures. What I quickly found out was that communication in Thailand happens largely without a common language, and in a completely different manner than I’m used to back in the states. As I’ve become more embedded in my immediate community, our communication gap hasn’t been bridged by a common language, but rather a growing sense of comfort in allowing glimpses into each other’s worlds. Although language acquisition was and has been the primary goal in my time here, the greatest lessons I’ve learned have come without any words spoken."
Miss Katy Guetherman
Biology, Mercer University
“This year in Thailand has been nothing short of incredible. I have shared in both the good and difficult experiences, but I would not trade my time here for anything.”
Miss Kelsey Diez
German, University of Miami
“I love my town and the friends I made, especially in the church I attended. I absolutely loved my students.”